Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Ghosts an' Spooks an' Haint's

Now youngin's, did I ever tell you about the things in the barn?
Them things that linger in the shadows an' corners all through the day,
Just waitin' till dusky dusk an' deep dark night to slink an' slither out.

Them things what have spider web-y fingers to caress your face an' neck with bad intentions. They are sure enough in there, waitin' for ye.

'Course y'all might just hear the haints what clank an' moan. No, not the wind whisperin' an' whistlin' through the cracks in them ol' boards.

That is sure what they want you to think, but it ain't that a'tall.
They is ghosts an' spooks an' haints, y'all, ghosts an' spooks an' haints.

They creep an' crawl about, dancin' in the dusky spaces, knockin' an' cryin',
Maybe even callin' your name, real whispery like.
Don't go, don't listen, just sit real still an' wait.

Mornin' always comes, they always hide
Always sneak into some corner, some hidey hole.
They are plumb afraid of the mornin', afraid of the light

But they are there, sure enough.

They want you to think they are done gone,
They is ghosts an' spooks an' haints, y'all, ghosts an' spooks an' haints.

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