Thursday, May 02, 2013

Sounds of a Mountain Spring

Close your eyes for just a bit
Listen to the memory of bees buzzin'
Frogs harrumphin' in the distance
The sound of Junebugs zippin' round
The joyful sound of birds in the trees.
Off an' down the creek comes the sound
Of a sorry ol' hound dog
And the laughter of youngin's
Playin' in the creek.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Before I Go

At times in the deep of night
As I lay in bed and wait for sleep
My mind wander to those precious things
Toys and tidbits of the mind
Set aside to be bumped and nudged
Picked up and played with quietly
Where no one sees or can steal.
Sweet kisses from my darlin'
My baby's hand wrapped around a finger
The sound of Daddy callin' "Supper".
The almost forgotten memory
Nudged into a corner but finally found
Of layin' in bed an' hearin' womenfolk
Cookin' breakfast in the early mornin'.
The salty pleasure of country ham
Big ol biscuits covered with gravy
Boiled coffee so dark an' hot
Wakin' me up with that aroma.
The taste of sweet watermelon
Drippin' down my chin and neck
Or that burnin' taste of moonshine
Shocked that it wasn't water
Surprised that there Mason jar
So cold and covered with dewdrops
Could choke a little nosey boy.
Feelin' mud between my toes
Sand rushin' from under my feet
As the tide pulls back and away.
Maybe wadin' in the creek
In the middle of the holler
Feet a slippin' an slidin'
As brother and I searched
Liftin' each rock to catch crawdads.
Smellin' sheets and ancient quilts
Fresh off the clothesline.
Waitin' to drift off but thinkin'
Knowin' there are more days behind
Than before me now.
Wonderin' about what happens
When my Father calls me home.
Hopin' I can pause as I go
And bump and nudge
Pick up and play with
Those wonderful memories
Just one more time
Before I go.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Weigh and measure, weigh and measure
Dig through memories and search for meaning
Stop and smile at forgotten places
Hidden treasures buried deep within you
Snatch up and caress timeless moments
Reminders of lovers long time gone
Grasp and grope for fast moving glimpses
Seen from the edges of your memories/\.
Ask the deep questions, find some reason
Who I am and who I was.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rise Up You Will

The comfort of a mornin' rain
Drummin' a constant beat
On a worn out tin roof.
Birds callin' in the trees
Yonder, up on the hillside.
The warmth of this ancient quilt
The texture of cloth and stitching.
Just smell the strong smell of coffee
Inhale the promise of bacon crisp.
Apples fried in a cast iron skillet
Cat head biscuits still risin' in the oven.
Eggs just gathered from under a fussy hen
Broke into a skillet and fried careful like
Just the way y'all like them.
It ain't fittin' to rise up to such a feast
But rise up you will, ready to go.
Its mornin' down here in the holler
Y'all wash up an' take a seat.